This year we are a sponsor of the Indiana Dunes Birding Festival, and as a sponsor this year we are going to be raffling off two basic registrations to the festival!
The importance of Black Americans in conservation and environmentalism is GREATLY underrepresented and it requires some digging to learn about the significant past and current Black contributors and advocates of birding, conservation, and environmental justice.
Calling all shutterbugs and bird enthusiasts! We want you to capture the vibrant avian life of Chicago through your lens and participate in the inaugural "Chicago Birds Photography Contest." Photographers of all experience levels are invited to compete with winning submissions eligible for eternal bragging rights and cash prizes!
This time of year, owls become the focus of many nature lovers. The presence of humans can be stressful for owls, so it’s important to understand more about owls and follow simple guidelines to ensure their safety.
In the interest of being more mindful and considerate in our gift buying, supporting Black and BIPOC businesses and creators, and - and well, BIRDS! - here is an alternative list of ideas to make your 2022 gifting thoughtful, fun and bird friendly!
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