Illustrations by Kelly Ballantyne; follow on IG @kcballantyne


Help the birds and the environment, and enjoy a beautiful blooming native garden! 

Chicago Audubon Society Online Native Plant Sale is held every spring, offering a wide variety of perennials. Order online and pick up at North Park Village Nature Center on Sunday afternoon, May 22. Proceeds of the sale help to fund CAS’s successful bird conservation programs such as the push for a bird- friendly buildings ordinance. Order by using the button below before April 15.

Chicago Audubon Society partners with Pizzo Native Plant Nursery to provide native plants from local and regional ecotypes for sale, many of which are difficult to find in the retail sector. Indigenous species have adapted to our local conditions over many centuries, growing naturally without fertilizers, supplemental irrigation or herbicides. Whether your landscape is sunny, shady or in between, there will be many perennials to choose from. Native plants provide food for pollinators, birds and other wildlife; shelter for wildlife— and they are beautiful.

Thanks to our friends at North Park Village Nature Center for hosting the pickup! Landscape professionals John Eskandari and Lawry Lewis will be on site to answer your gardening questions.

We are selling plugs for $4.00 or $5.00, depending on species, trees and shrubs for $30 or $36, and our Pollinator Kits for $185. To learn more about these plants’ requirements, look them up by clicking the links below or on this guide from the Morton Arboretum. Details on how these plants help birds and pollinators are at Illinois Wildflowers.

2022 Offerings


A collection of 10 plants for full sun and part shade that are popular with local pollinators: 50 plants per kit, 10 species, 5 of each


American Spikenard - late summer berries

Sold Out Anise hyssop - hummingbird and pollinator magnet!

Blue flag iris - butterflies

Sold Out Blue-stemmed Goldenrod pollinators

Brown-eyed susan - finches, other seed eaters

Brown Fox Sedge

Sold Out Butterfly weed - monarch host

Sold Out Calico Penstemon -summer butterflies

Cardinal Flower - Hummingbirds

Common Ironweed - late summer butterflies

Copper-shouldered Oval Sedge

Culver's Root - summer pollinators

Sold Out Downy (prairie) phlox - early summer butterflies, pollinators

False sunflower - finches, other seed eaters

Foxglove Beardtongue - early summer hummingbirds, bees

Sold Out Great blue lobelia - pollinators

Great St. John's Wort - pollinators

Heath Aster - fall pollinators, winter seeds

Hoary vervain - pollinators

Leadplant - summer butterflies, fall seeds

Sold Out Meadow Blazing Star/Rocky Mountain Gayfeather - late summer hummingbirds and butterflies

Sold Out Michigan Lily - hummingbirds

New England aster - fall, winter seed eaters

Sold Out Prairie Dropseed - grass

Ohio spiderwort - early summer bees

Palm Sedge

Prairie alumroot - hummingbirds, butterflies, bees

Sold Out Prairie blazing star - hummingbirds on fall migration

Prairie Coreopsis - summer pollinators

Prairie Dock - summer pollinators, fall seeds

Sold Out Purple Prairie Clover - fall pollinators

Side-oats Grama - grass

Smooth blue aster - fall, winter seed eaters

Spotted Joe Pye weed - fall, winter seed eaters

Stiff Goldenrod - fall pollinators

Sold Out Swamp Milkweed - monarch butterflies

Swamp Rose Mallow - summer bees and hummingbirds

Sweet Black-eyed Susan - summer pollinators, fall seeds

Switch Grass - grass

Sold Out Wild Bergamot - summer pollinators, hummingbirds

Wild Strawberry - yum!

Sold Out Wild Petunia - spring butterflies

Yellow Coneflower - summer pollinators, fall seeds

Yellow Pimpernel - spring, small pollinators



the approximate size of the plant you will receive is shown

Black Chokeberry - 36”, fall berries

Sold Out Buttonbush - 24”, summer butterflies, hummingbirds; fall/winter seeds

Sold Out Climbing Illinois Prairie Rose - 18-24”, summer pollinators, good cover

Witchhazel - 18”, butterfly host, fall seeds for birds

Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle - 36”, fall, winter seeds

Jack Pine - 18”, cover

Oak Northern Red - 4’, migrant birds, small mammals

Oak Swamp White - 4’, migrant birds, small mammals

Pussy Willow - 3’, spring migrants

River Birch - 36”, finches

White Flowering Dogwood - 18”, thrushes, waxwings, other birds that eat fruit

White Snowberry - 15”, early summer butterflies, fall fruit


We have a great page about how your garden can help migratory birds.

Here are National Audubon’s suggestions

Doug Tallamy has studied which plants are best for attracting birds.