Submitted by Jennie Strable on Sun, 02/08/2015 - 4:43pm
Event date:
Saturday, February 7, 2015 - 8:00am
Wooded island, Outer Harbor
It was a beautiful winter day! The sky was blue and the sun was sparkling on the snow left by the blizzard the week before. The temperature was in the low 30s and the wind was light. The main paths were plowed but we had to walk though deep snow to reach them, which added a nice workout to our morning.
Four birders met on the bridge:; Tobias, Leo, Caroline and Jennie. We met Doug and Copper near the Japanese garden and they joined us for the rest of our route. Eric met Tobias and me at the harbor a bit later on. The birds, however, didn't seem to appreciate the beautiful day and didn't come out to visit, but at least we beat the record low count of zero.
On the Island
Canada Goose
Black-capped Chickadee
Northern Cardinal
European Starling
American Crow
At the Outer Harbor:
Greater Scaup
Common Goldeneye
Canvasback (2)
Herring Gulls
Ring Billed Gulls
Canada Goose
Downy Woodpecker
Corrections, additions and comments are welcome. Recordings are not used to attract birds. This report will be recorded on eBird as a group report for the Wooded Island Bird Walks
The Walks are free and open to one and all. They are held year round. Birders always show up near Darrow Bridge at the start times. Newcomers are warmly welcomed. Come to Darrow Bridge to meet with the other birders.
Note on Darrow Bridge: Darrow Bridge has been barricaded by the Department of Transportation but there are openings at each end that allows for foot traffic. The Bridge has been deemed unsafe. Birders continue to meet on Darrow Bridge at the start times, even during the multi-year restoration of Wooded Island and other areas within Jackson Park.
The Walks start at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, and at 7:15 a.m. on Wednesday. Birders gather on Darrow Bridge, which is located south of the Museum of Science and Industry.
Metered parking is available east of Darrow Bridge and is accessible from South Lake Shore Drive at 57th Street (labeled Science Drive on a small blue street sign). There is a Stop Light at 57th Street. Make a turn at the Stop Light towards the Museum. Turn Left (south) at the intersection of Science Drive and Columbia Drive. Go through the parking lot to the west end near Darrow Bridge.
Note on Parking and Lots: While restoration is ongoing, heavy equipment has taken over half of the east parking lot, off of South Lake Shore Drive, and half of the southwest parking lot which has an entrance off of Hayes Drive (63rd St.) and just east of Cornell Drive. Birders will be able to find metered parking in both lots. The east lot is the preferred one, as it is located nearest the Darrow Bridge. The southwest parking lo>t would require that the entire Wooded Island be walked northward, and to cross the North Bridge to reach Darrow Bridge There is also unmetered parking along Stony Island Avenue from 58th to 56th Street.
Good birding everyone!
Jennie, fillling in for Pat