The Camp Pine stewards want to know where the birds are. Bird this beautiful spot and share your sightings with the stewardship team!
Bird our selected birding hotspot, using the maps and info we provide. Camp Pine Woods in Glenview is a site with a fascinating history and an active shrubland and woodland restoration project.
Here’s how the Blitz works:
We are restoring habitat for shrubland birds, and we need to know how well the birds like what we’re doing. If you can visit any time before July 12, you can help the stewards and bird monitors figure out where the rare birds are nesting. It’s easy - use our map to explore the site. Then enter all your sightings into eBird and send us a location or map of where you see any birds of concern with notes on their nesting behavior. Can you figure out where the blue-winged warblers, the field sparrows or the cuckoos have their nest? For more info, check our Blitz instructions with a map and a list of birds of concern.
Visit our Birding Hotspots page for more information about the site.