Bring the Birds Back to River Park!
Join neighbors and friends for a planting day. Shrubs, flowers, grasses and small trees will be added to the river park plantings. A contractor will bring the plants - you dig the holes and put the plants in. We’ll also do some maintenance on last years plantings - which survived beautifully, thanks to the great installation (AKA YOU, if you volunteered last year!) ! Bring work gloves and a kneeler if you have them and wear long pants, long sleeves and sturdy shoes or boots. We will provide gloves, tools - and snacks!! Register at the site when you show up.
Why do birds need more understory in River Park? Short answer: they need diversity, density and structure. Read this great article with quotes from our planning group members for more info.
#RiverParkHabitat #BringtheBirdsBack