This event is canceled.
The ever popular walks of Marjorie Pries are back! Follow her on a wonderful birdwalk through the grounds of the North Park Village Nature Center to see what migratory guests have stopped in this week.
The walks have an approximate end time of 10:30 am but may go longer or shorter depending on weather and birds. Feel free to arrive and leave as it works for you. We follow a set route every week and tally the birds seen at the end of each walk. You can find our reports on eBird and IBET.
The trails have ups and downs and are not curated, but oh so pleasant. People can enjoy the wonderful outdoors as well as a great indoors Nature Center operated by the Chicago Park District.
Come one, come all! Everyone is warmly welcomed.
Dress for the weather.
Photo: Hooded Warbler by Lisa Musgrave