Compass - July-August 2001
Featured: Birdathon 2001
Compass - June 2001
Featured: Austin L. Wyman, Jr. In Memorium
Compass - May 2001
Featured: Shade the Coffee, Shelter the Birds; also In Honor of Bud Wyman, Habitat Management in Action
Compass April 2001
misprinted as March 2001
Compass March 2001
Featured: Roy Slovenko Wins National Audubon Photography Contest, Twice! also, In Memorium: Jerry Sullivan
Compass - February 2001
Featured: Chicago Audubon Honors Four Leaders; also Migratory Bird Tree Preference Study, Bird Feeding Do’s and Don’ts, Getting That Shot
Compass - January 2001
Featured: A Rookery Rebounds; also Illinois Beach State Park Hawk Count 2000, Get Ready for the 4th Great Backyard Bird Count, Y Young Sandhill Cranes Blaze T oung Sandhill Cranes Blaze Trail for Whoopers