Big Marsh Revival

The dedication of the Ford Calumet Environmental Center at Big Marsh was a happy day for so many reasons.

  • Seeing so many environmental champions and local activists celebrated in the Nature Center Displays, including the mother of the environment justice movement Hazel Johnson (piping plover Hazel is her namesake) and former CAS board member Jim Landing

  • Hearing Lori Lightfoot talk about how important Chicago is to birds and promote bird-friendly windows - plus hearing her say the word “birders” many many times

  • Visiting with Walter Marcisz, whose many years of meticulous records documented the dismal decline of the rare marshbirds at Big Marsh and throughout the Calumet area and inspired the government agencies and Big Green nonprofits to undertake the restorations that have led to the remarkable reversal of fortunes for many of the Calumet area’s nesting wetland birds

  • Hearing Alder Garza express community pride of place and a strong vision of revitalization led by Big Marsh and the Pullman National Park

  • Recalling, with Cheryl Johnson, beloved fighters of the previous generation - her mother Hazel and Marion Byrne

  • Remembering, with other long-time Calumet birders, parking on the side of South Stony Avenue and navigating a dubious earthen dike to try to get to the good birding spots … and marveling at the changes!

Congratulations to all who brought us to this great day.