ACTION ALERT: Stop Dangerous Feral Cat Legislation

Please complete a "Witness Slip" before 8:30 AM Thursday, March 18 as an Opponent of proposed Illinois legislation (Senate Bill 1673). This proposed bill adds support for trap, neuter & release of feral cats. Most dangerously, this legislation places ALL feral cat authority in the Department of Agriculture, preventing the Department of Natural Resources or any other state department input on feral cat management.

What's the Issue?

The false premise is that "trap, neuter & release" is an effective strategy for reducing feral cat populations. Sadly, this is not true. Dig deeper: here's what the American Bird Conservancy says.

Then, and here is the real problem, the law consolidates ALL authority for feral cats in the Department of Agriculture. The consequences of this concentration of authority are ominous - and intentional by supporters..

What's a Witness Slip?

Witness slips are an Illinois tool that permits individuals and organizations to express their support or opposition to proposed legislation as it wends through the critical committee stage on its way to becoming law. Strong public sentiment at the committee level can make or break proposed legislation. That's where you come in. Help kill this proposal. File this Witness Slip now.

How To Complete the Witness Slip (Takes 2 Minutes)

Section I Identification: Identify yourself by name & address & who you represent. Inserting "self" in the "firm/agency" is fine.
Section II Representation: Again, "self" or, if you are authorized to speak for a group, provide the name of that group.
Section III Position: Check "Opponent"
Section IV Testimony: Check "Record of Appearance Only"
Click the "Create Slip" button (Don't forget this step!)

Here's the Longer Version of the Proposed Legislation (Senate Bill 1673)

"Amends the Animal Control Act. Provides that in order to humanely reduce the feral cat population in the State, the Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois may provide guidance for operation of programs for trapping, neutering or spaying, vaccination and return or release of feral cats. Provides that no other State agency has any jurisdiction over feral cats."

Introduced by Senator Linda Holmes, 42nd District

This action alert was sent out by the Bird Conservation Network, of which CAS is a member

Photo credit: mdprovost from USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons