Support the North Park Village Nature Center fundraiser to remove invasive Buckthorn!

The Buckthorn Stops Here! Please consider supporting our friends over at the North Park Village Nature Center Advisory Council in their fundraiser. Buckthorn is running wild at the Nature Center. Currently, their land management crew uses hand held loppers to cut the buckthorn. The PAC is in the process of raising money for two brush cutters that will get the job done faster and will be less back breaking. Less buckthorn = more diversity of plants = more birds!!

It would be great if Chicago Audubon members could support our colleagues at North Park.

For questions, contact:


PAY BY CHECK to Chicago Parks Foundation with “NPV Nature Center PAC” in the memo and mail it to Chicago Parks Foundation, Attn: Sonia Horvath, 541 N. Fairbanks Court, Chicago, IL 60611 or

Scan the the QR code below with your phone to donate!