Birds of the Greater Chicago Area: A Seasonal Checklist

Just in time for Spring Migration, the Chicago Audubon Society is delighted to share Birds of The Greater Chicago Area: A Seasonal Checklist. This checklist contains 328 species of birds that have been reported in the greater Chicago area since 1970. An additional 82 species, listed on the back page, have also been known to occur since 1970, but are not normally expected to be seen.

As time goes on, many more bird species are detected. TheFirst Edition of the Checklist in 1982 had only 288. This shows how many birds move around and migrate through the Chicago area in its important position on Lake Michigan.

This fantastic seasonally specific guide was compiled by Alan Anderson, Richard Biss, David B. Johnson, Joe Lill, Walter Marcisz, Jeffrey Sanders, Alan Stokie, Douglas F. Stotz and David Willard. (In memoriam: William DeBaets and Homer Eshbaugh)

The names and order used are those of the 7th edition of the A.O.U. Checklist and supplements. The checklist has been divided into six seasons to denote the differences between early and late migration periods.

Printed copies of the Checklist will be distributed at future CAS Bird Walks. Or you can download the printable-at-home Checklist PDF for yourself.