CAS Native Plant Sale a Success

On May 22, CAS volunteers and partners held their second native plant sale at North Park Village Nature Center - bigger and better than the first!

Nancy Bradt led the planning team of Alisa Baum, Nicolette Caldwell, Monica Sargent (CAS staff) and Judy Pollock

North Park Village Nature Center Director, Amaris Alanis Ribiero, staff Bob Porter, volunteers and visitors pitched in to help on the unloading day and the sale day

Laury Lewis was on hand to give plant advice.

Elizabeth Plonka, Jenelle Davis, Colleen McVeigh, M C Mylander, Pam Karlson, Marilyn Ferri, Irene & Dan Weinman, Alexandra Davila, Nicholas Machev, Mary Taylor, Robin Jennings, Christine Johnson, Jack Swenson, Susan Kauffman, Sandra Shields, Robin Wilson, and CAS board members Ann Hetzel Gunkel and John Elliott showed upon unloading and sale days and gave the event its great spirit.

Results of this fun day:

  • Almost $7000 for CAS’ engagement and conservation efforts

  • Over 2000 new native plants out there feeding the birds and the bees and the butterflies

  • Two community gardens and this little girl’s backyard sanctuary received the unsold plants

Congratulations everyone!