Butterfly Weed by Ann Hetzel Gunkel
The 2023 Chicago Audubon Native Plant sale had a banner year, with our annual pick up day at North Park Village Nature Center seeing bigger sales than ever before. The Native Plant Sale hosts online orders in March and April with plant pickup day in May. CAS raised over $8000 for the birds, exceeding our previous sale total by over $1300. Proceeds of the sale help to fund CAS’s successful bird conservation programs such as the push for a bird- friendly buildings ordinance. Native plants, shrubs and trees were sold at the highest volume we’ve seen with over 3200 units being sold this year.
Chicago Audubon Society partners with Pizzo Native Plant Nursery and Walnut Creek Nursery to provide native plants from local and regional ecotypes for sale, many of which are difficult to find in the retail sector. Indigenous species have adapted to our local conditions over many centuries, growing naturally without fertilizers, supplemental irrigation or herbicides. Whether your landscape is sunny, shady or in between, we offer many perennials to choose from. Native plants provide food for pollinators, birds and other wildlife; shelter for wildlife— and they are beautiful.
Photos by Ann Hetzel Gunkel
Thanks to our friends at North Park Village Nature Center for hosting the pickup! Landscape professional Lawry Lewis was on site to answering gardening questions.
Yellow Coneflower plants
Be sure to check the CAS Website in March & April of 2024 to order fantastic native plants for your garden.
Northern Dropseed waiting for pickup.