Kings Grove/Sauk Trail/Schubert's Woods Bird Blitz Results ... and Brunch

May 18, 2024 - It was a great day in the south suburbs counting birds. This year we had some formidable participants from the Indiana Dunes Birding Festival on the teams. Brian Schmoke expressed a feeling we heard from many - “We very much enjoyed the company and conversation, and the birds!”

Last year we blitzed during the breeding season - this year we blitzed during migration. Except - it was Tennessee Warbler Day! You know that day when it seems like the only migrant around is the Tennessee warbler and it’s blaring from every treetop? Yeah, that day. We did wind up with 17 warbler species on the list, so it wasn’t actually the only one.

Our two blitzes confirmed that Kings Grove, Sauk Trail, and Schubert's Woods are well worth a visit for birding in May or June. Check out our list from this year - which is an interesting snapshot of the bird life from one day in mid-May.

Thanks to our team leaders: Margarita Poromanska, Ian Sarmiento, Wayne Wauligman, Nick Paarlberg, Judy Pollock, Chip O’Leary and Alan Anderson, and all participants. And thanks to the Forest Preserves of Cook County, who provided the brunch and will use the data in their restoration. Special thanks to Monica Sargeant - who brought the brunch, and the cool wet towels for our hot faces!