New Editor Joins the Flock

Ann Hetzel Gunkel has recently joined the team at CAS as Editor and Communications Committee Chair. Everyone at CAS is thankful for her predecessor Judy Cheske, who has contributed so much to the Chicago Audubon Society in these roles and who designed the organization’s website. Judy has moved to California and we wish her well.

A philosophy professor at Columbia College Chicago, Ann is grateful to pursue her passion for birds, conservation and the environment by serving as Editor and Communications Chair for the CAS. We asked her some questions about how she joined the flock.

How did you get into birding? My avian interests developed by learning from my (now collegiate) birding son as he grew up. His love for birds, ecology and conservation has really influenced me. Countless outings and adventures later, I’m a bird nerd, too.

What volunteer role has meant the most to you to date? I’ve served as a Montrose Beach Piping Plover Monitor since 2019. I’m gratified that my social media posts and photographs of Monty & Rose’s piping plover family have generated enthusiasm for protecting this endangered species.

Where are your favorite places to bird? My favorites are:

  • On the edge of Icelandic cliffs covertly watching puffins,

  • On the frozen shoreline of Lake Michigan looking for snowy owls,

  • Searching village rooftops in Poland for white storks,

  • On the hot sand of Chicago's Montrose Beach monitoring piping plovers and…

  • Just about anywhere a warbler lands.

Are you a backyard birder? I’m an avid backyard birder. I’ve created a bird and butterfly sanctuary and wildlife habitat in my Chicago garden. I’ve learned that birds are everywhere. You just need to pay attention to find beauty.

Why did you join CAS? I’m excited to be a part of Chicago Audubon because not only do I love birds but I have found that the birders I meet are some of the most interesting, informed, creative, and nicest people I’ve come across. When you talk with any random group of birders in the field you’ll meet musicians, environmentalists, teachers, artists, engineers, scientists, parents, poets, kids. It’s awesome!

Is there anything you’d like to say to the supporters of Chicago Audubon? Yes! As you’re celebrating the holiday season, please consider using our 2021 Gift Guide for the Birds to support birds and bird-friendly local artists and authors.