Camp Pine was a Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) work camp in the 1930s. During WWII it housed German POW's . After the war it became a Girl Scout Camp, through the 1960s.
Find the old camp by following the trail south from the south end of the parking lot; the path then circles the camp footprint with connections to the Des Plaines River trail. The DPR trail passes under the Lake Ave. bridge at the entrance to Camp Pine Woods and heads south through a mixed woodland and on to Beck Lake. CAS coordinates extensive woodland restoration adjacent to the parking drive, an area prime for woodland nesting birds, warblers, vireos and other seasonal migrants.
The old camp is slowly reverting to more natural habitat and is home to field sparrows, catbirds and other summer nesters. Of special interest is the shrub prairie restoration bordering the main trail to the east, as that path leaves the woods.
Map by John Elliot
Details for Visiting
W Lake Ave/E Euclid Ave, east of N Des Plaines River Rd east of Mt. Prospect, west of Glenview. Enter from east bound Lake Ave – NO LEFT TURN west bound
Hours: Sunrise to Sunset Winter closures may be in effect.
The restoration areas and old camp can be easily seen in 1⁄2 to 1 hour walk of less than a mile, but can easily entertain for a couple hours. A pleasant longer walk through mixed woods, past a small marsh and through oak forest to Beck Lake, is about 3 1⁄2 miles round trip. Check the riparian zone along the river for wood ducks; barred owls have nested in this zone. Some of the forest areas east of the camp and north of Beck Lake are seldom birded.
Parking – free, porta-potties only and may not be available in winter.
Public Transportation availability: none practical
River Trail Nature Center just north, enter on Milwaukee Avenue, DPR trail connects to Camp Pine