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Wooded Island Birding Outing

  • Jackson Park Chicago, Illinois (map)

Hello everyone,

The forsythia bushes in the Japanese Garden are budding and our birds are returning. We were happy to find our first Wood Ducks of the season, looking as gorgeous as usual. Four Northern Shovelers were a pleasant find in the east lagoon as were two cute Pied-billed Grebes. A Horned Grebe was diving in the 59th Street marina. And Randy told us about a female Ruddy Duck in the east lagoon, so we hurried over and found it. Another cutie! We still have a lot of Red-breasted Mergansers and it’s fun to watch the males show off for the females. A Brown Creeper was working a tree by the south bridge and two Fox Sparrows were in residence too.

The highlight of the day came at the very end of the walk where an adult Bald Eagle was seen perched at the top of a tree by the Darrow Bridge. It looked quite magnificent in the sun. We have been very fortunate to have had many Bald Eagles sightings this year so we are all keeping our fingers crossed that a pair will decide to make Jackson Park their home. It’s probably too late to build a nest and lay eggs this year but there’s always next year.

BIRDERS: Luther, Eric, Marian, Jennie, Mike, Cheryl, Mark W., Kristin, Leslie, Margalit, Parag, Marisa, Daniela, Larry, Pam, Jeff, Paul.

TIME: 8:00am to 10:30am

WEATHER: 36 degrees, cloudy, light snow, giving way to blue sky and sunshine

Compiler: Cheryl

Photographer: Paul, Eric, Marisa, Mike, Leslie

  1. Canada Goose   Number observed: 43

  2. Wood Duck   Number observed: 10

  3. Northern Shoveler   Number observed: 4

  4. Mallard   Number observed: 8

  5. Red-breasted Merganser   Number observed: 28

  6. Ruddy Duck   Number observed: 1

  7. Mourning Dove   Number observed: 1

  8. Killdeer   Number observed: 1

  9. Ring-billed Gull   Number observed: 8

  10. American Herring Gull   Number observed: 3

  11. Pied-billed Grebe   Number observed: 2

  12. Horned Grebe   Number observed: 1

  13. Great Blue Heron   Number observed: 4

  14. Cooper's Hawk   Number observed: 1

  15. Bald Eagle   Number observed: 1

  16. Red-shouldered Hawk   Number observed: 1

  17. Red-bellied Woodpecker   Number observed: 1

  18. Downy Woodpecker   Number observed: 3

  19. Northern Flicker   Number observed: 2

  20. American Crow   Number observed: 10

  21. Black-capped Chickadee   Number observed: 4

  22. Brown Creeper   Number observed: 1

  23. European Starling   Number observed: 48

  24. American Robin   Number observed: 24

  25. House Sparrow   Number observed: 3

  26. American Goldfinch   Number observed: 1

  27. American Tree Sparrow   Number observed: 1

  28. Fox Sparrow   Number observed: 2

  29. Song Sparrow   Number observed: 3

  30. Swamp Sparrow   Number observed: 1

  31. Red-winged Blackbird   Number observed: 21

  32. Common Grackle   Number observed: 8

  33. Northern Cardinal   Number observed: 4


If you’d like more information about a bird, check out the All About Birds ID guide:

Corrections, additions, and comments are welcome.

Good birding everyone,


Photo: White-crowned-Sparrow by Geri Kodey