Chicago Birding Resources — Chicago Bird Alliance

Report injured birds to our friends at Chicago Bird Collision Monitors: 773 988 1867

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Birding Checklist, partial

Birds of The Greater Chicago Area Seasonal Checklist

This checklist contains 328 species of birds that have been reported in the greater Chicago area since 1970.


Bird identification APPs

Apps provide ID help quickly based on location, size, color:

Audubon Bird Guide App

Merlin Bird ID App

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Bird guide books

The Sibley Guide to Birds is considered the classic go-to with detailed descriptions and illustrations, but there are many other bird field guides to explore.

National Audubon has a comprehensive buyer’s guide.



To find out where the birds - and the birders - are, check eBird, the online data repository that holds the collective knowledge of the hemisphere’s birders.


Birds of the windy city

Discover over 300 birds in Chicago.

This printable guide, although several years old, still provides a comprehensive overview of Chicago’s bird life and resources for learning more. Chicago is a great place to learn about birds and become stewards for their survival.

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Bird the preserves checklist

The Forest Preserves of Cook County provide this checklist of birds that can be found locally.

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Chicago REgion Birding Trail Guide

This pocket guide covers the seven Illinois counties surrounding Chicago and the two north-west Indiana counties along Lake Michigan.

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This guide offers the highlights of birding in the Chicago region.

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Field Museum Rapid Color Guides


Header Photo by Jerry Goldner