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Wooded Island Birding Outing

  • Jackson Park Chicago, Illinois (map)

Hello everyone,

It was a cold and slow morning, which makes it one of those days where I have a hard time figuring out what to write about in my report. Although it was quite cold, the sky was blue and the sun was shining so it was a nice walk, even if we didn’t see many birds. But, we love our resident winter birds too and they make nice subjects for our photographers.

After our walk, Eric discovered a very special visitor in the Outer Harbor – a gorgeous male Surf Scoter. Such an interesting looking and beautiful bird. It was still there as of Sunday morning so take a look if you’re in the area.

BIRDERS: Jennie, Mike, Marian, Andy, Beth, Luther, Kristin, Leslie, Daniela, Caterina, Lucy, Eric, Marisa, Mark W., Pam, Paul and welcome to Devin.

TIME: 8:00am to 10:05am

WEATHER: 18 degrees, sunny, windy

Compiler: Jennie

Photographers: Marisa, Eric, Paul

1.      Canada Goose  Number observed: 8

2.      Common Goldeneye  Number observed: 1

3.      Red-breasted Merganser  Number observed: 1

4.      Ring-billed Gull  Number observed: 3

5.      American Herring Gull  Number observed: 1

6.      Downy Woodpecker  Number observed: 3

7.      American Crow  Number observed: 2

8.      Black-capped Chickadee  Number observed: 6

9.      White-breasted Nuthatch  Number observed: 1

10.   European Starling  Number observed: 9

11.   American Robin  Number observed: 9

12.   House Sparrow  Number observed: 2

13.   American Goldfinch  Number observed: 3

14.   Dark-eyed Junco  Number observed: 5

15.   Northern Cardinal  Number observed: 4


If you’d like more information about a bird, check out the All About Birds ID guide:

Corrections, additions, and comments are welcome.

Good birding everyone,


Photo: White-crowned-Sparrow by Geri Kodey

Earlier Event: February 15
Wooded Island Birding Outing
Later Event: March 1
Wooded Island Birding Outing