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Good News for Ducks not Dumps!

Good News for Ducks not Dumps!

The Attorney General of Illinois joins the opposition to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ proposed new 25-foot high dump of toxic dredged wastes to be built on top of the now closed confined disposal facility (CDF).The Confined Disposal Facility is a dump that juts out into Lake Michigan between two well-used birding locations, Steelworkers’ and Calumet Parks in Chicago. Our partners Environmental Law and Policy Center are suing on behalf of Friends of the Parks and Alliance of the Southeast to ensure that the Army Corps does not build a 25-foot tall dump at the site, which is slated to be turned over the the Chicago Park District. We held a rally to support them. Here’s a recap of the day.


Partnering for Birds – Grasslands

Partnering for Birds – Grasslands

The Chicago area and in particular the Forest Preserves of Cook County (FPCC) are fortunate to have several different types of natural habitats that birds need to thrive. “Partnering for Birds,” a free publication created by the Chicago Bird Alliance in collaboration with FPCC, uses data from the Bird Conservation Network and eBird. The four different habitats detailed are grasslands (highlighted here), shrublands, woodlands and savannas, and wetlands.


Chicago Continues to Fail Migrating Birds

Chicago Continues to Fail Migrating Birds

The Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) failed to make bird protection mandatory in its recent draft of its 2024 Sustainable Development Policy (SDP). Bird Friendly Chicago, its partners, and its supporters asked the city of Chicago to make bird protection mandatory in this update, a measure that would be critical in preventing bird mortality. Unfortunately the DPD failed to do so, even in the face of overwhelming public support for this measure.


The Urban Bird Niche

The Urban Bird Niche

We tend to view the increasing urbanization of the environment as detrimental to birds, and indeed, habitat loss is the principal reason for the decrease in bird numbers and species. However, in very specific instances, some birds can coexist with the urban environment in beneficial ways – beneficial to them, and to the humans who enjoy them.


CBA Bird Art Contest

CBA Bird Art Contest

Every year, hundreds of bird species visit Chicago during Spring Migration, bringing new colorful life to the city after months of gray and snow. It is for that reason we want you to give us your best depiction of your favorite bird coming back for Spring Migration. Whether you rely on watercolor and crayons or digital rendering software, we want you to show us the beauty of these birds through your eyes. All artistic levels are welcomed!